Další kapela nás zase rozmetá na kousky svým brutálním death metalem. TXDM je pojem a tahle banda se drží standartů a kvality, které vytyčily kapely před nimi. A to vše navíc s vokalistkou za mikrofonem! Kapela má zatím ve své diskografii jen jedno full album Extirpated Mortal Process z roku 2022, ale to vás rozseká na atomy, to mi věřte! STABBING! / Another band is blowing us to pieces with their brutal death metal. TXDM is a term and this band sticks to the standards and quality that the bands before them set. And all this with a female vocalist behind the microphone! The band has only one full album in its discography so far, Extirpated Mortal Process from 2022, but it will cut you to atoms, believe me! STABBING!